The Home Features Buyers Want Right Now

April 22, 2022
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Inventory levels may still be on the low end, but buyers are still in search of some particular home features this spring regardless. According to a recent release of data from, there have been some common search terms that have been identified as more popular as of late. The spring season coupled with some recent pandemic influence may be contributing to these trends that are as follows:

Water Features

One of the most popular search terms this year continues to be a swimming pool. They have gained popularity since the pandemic and right into this season. Aside from swimming pools we have seen hot tubs also becoming highly searched. They can offer a great place to relax even during cooler temperatures and can also be somewhat therapeutic.

Outdoor Activity and Fitness

Buyers also have showed interest in properties that offer some sort of facilities for activities. Homes that offer community amenities such as golfing, tennis, boating, gyms and the like gained search popularity. They are looking to live somewhere where they can enjoy things to do in between their live/work schedule.

Outdoor Views

Views! Buyers are in search of a home that offers some interesting or peaceful views. Among the most desirable types of views are river, waterfront, beach, water, lake or golf course. With more people spending more time at home they want to feel like they are on vacation all of the time.


Buyers want more space nowadays, period. Sought after searches revolving around roominess included cathedral ceilings, large lots, outbuildings and even a library. The high ceilings make spaces feel larger and open as buyers are drawn to homes that are appearing more accommodating. Libraries or outbuildings can potentially offer endless options for activity rooms or home offices.