How to Stage a Home For Sale

May 26, 2022
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When the time has arrived that you have decided to sell your home, the next thing to do is get it in the best condition possible. In order to get the highest price possible, you will want to show off your home, not necessarily your own belongings. From rearranging furniture, making some decorating enhancements and decluttering, there are many things you can do yourself. Here is a better look at all you can do.


Start by reducing your belongings and clutter. Every room should not be overflowing with items where the space is looking cramped. You can store things away neatly in closets, start to get rid of unnecessary and unwanted items or consider getting a storage unit if need be.
Do a deep clean

Do a thorough cleaning from top to bottom and go room to room. This means wiping down baseboards, ceiling fixtures, fans, appliances, inside the fridge and under beds. Get the home looking perfect and dust/grime free.

Do a sniff test

This is particularly important for those who like to cook or have pets. Homes should not smell like last night’s fish dinner or like your furry family members. Keep pets, litter boxes and your carpets fresh and clean to avoid lingering unwanted scents. 

Natural light and supplemental lighting

Showcase all the natural light that the home benefits from by opening drapes and curtains. For any windows with unpleasant views, hang some sheers to allow light through but hide anything unsightly. Update your light fixtures and make sure there are no dark rooms or corners.


A bright orange accent wall may have been your favorite thing at one time but when catering to the masses you will want to stick to neutrals. Update any taste specific rooms to neutral colors with some fresh paint.

Address the oddities

Do you have an unused nook or corner for example? Consider making it into a workspace to show off how you can use the space. Remember to keep a good traffic flow throughout the home with nothing blocking any of your outside views.


Bedrooms are often the most personal spaces in a home. Be sure to make them appeal to new buyers who will want to envision themselves there by removing as much that is personal as possible. Store away all photos, personal decor items, awards, and the like.

Spruce up kitchen

There are some crafty tricks to elevate your kitchen on a budget. For example you may not need to replace your cabinets, you can sometimes get away with fresh stain or paint to bring them into modern days. Another idea is to only keep basics out on your counters and store everything else so you counter space is looking expansive and accommodating. 

Create a spa-like bath

First, make sure your bathroom is looking fresh and free of mildew. Give those tubs a scrub and replace any caulking that may be in need. Then make sure you have a good looking shower curtain that is new and clean with some matching towels and a bathmat. Store away your personal items like toothbrushes and in exchange put out some pretty guest soaps or a calming candle. 

Curb appeal

It is the first and last thing everyone who visits will see so have it make a good impression. Keep your yard weed free with trimmed shrubs and some fresh mulch in the beds. A fresh coat of paint on the front door along with a new doormat and potted flowers always makes for a welcoming look too!